Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Summer Stitch, Spin & Sip Success!

Our Annual Summer Stitch, Spin and Sip last Sunday was a great success! We had a large turnout of people, ranging from those wanting to learn to spin to accomplished knitters. We were all so busy having a spin -in, everyone forgot to get a photo of the group, but we did promise to show you the dyeing Ginger and I had been doing.

If you missed the Summer Stitch, Spin and Sip, be sure to put on your calendar the dates for the Fall Foliage Stitch, Spin and Sip - Sunday afternoon from 1 to 4 pm October 14.

Tune in later this week as I thought you might also enjoy the story about what has inspired me to keep dyeing all these years.

1 comment:

  1. We had SO much fun tying and dyeing!!! Love, Love, Love these and they are not even my favorites!
